We are Golden State Pickle Works
Welcome! Thanks for joining us. “We” are Sam and Anthony, and we are Golden State Pickle Works. We are husband and wife, professional chefs, and pickle dorks. When buying (or riaisng / growing) large amounts of food you become sensitive to the waste that can happen in our food system, frugality becomes a necessity and waste is avoided at all cost. Necessity being the mother of invention, as they say, leads us to find ways to use / preserve anything that may spoil before we can use it. This ties us to our past and the past of other cultures by investigating the techniques and traditions that those before us used to solve the same conundrum. Keeping these traditions alive is of interest to us and adds a deeper element to our cooking, literally and figuratively. Preserved food is an essential part of a well stocked larder, and having condiments, preserves, pickles and the like allow for improvisation and discovery.
Over time we have gravitated heavily toward fermenting. While some of our products are vinegar pickles, the majority of what we do is lacto-ferment vegetables with salt and water, naturally, and then eat / serve these as pickles of use them to make condiments. We are in the beginning stages of our journey, but we still have a lot to share. I will update weekly with info on our products, or the farmers we buy from, or just random pickle blather. In the meantime, get your pickle on at the farmers market (days) or the Sebastopol Community Market in the Barlow, or the Grand Fare Market in Oakland.