Smoked Salmon Crackers

with Preserved Lemon Spread & Beet Slaw

For Preserved Lemon Spread:

1.5 oz Collective Cultures Preserved Lemon Mayo

2 oz Cream Cheese, Softened

2 tbsp chopped Green Onion/Chives

1/8 tsp Salt

For Crackers:

Seeded Crackers (your favorite brand or find our gluten free recipe below)

Smoked Salmon (or Trout)

GSPW Red or Golden Beet Slaw

Sprouts/Microgreens & Fresh Dill for Garnish

To Make Preserved Lemon Spread: With whisk or hand mixer, mix together softened cream cheese, preserved lemon mayo, and salt. Once combined, fold in green onions.

To Assemble Crackers: First spread preserved lemon spread onto your cracker, then layer smoked salmon and beet slaw. Finish by garnishing with sprouts & fresh dill.

Gluten Free Seeded Crackers

Makes 1 Sheet Tray


1/4 c Raw Pumpkin Seeds

1/4 c Raw Sunflower Seeds

1/4 c Sesame Seeds

2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

45 grams Ground Flax Seed

85 grams Almond Flour

5 grams Coconut Flour

1 tsp Baking Powder

1 1/2 tsp Salt

3/4 c Water, warm

1/4 c Avocado Oil

Combine pumpkin and sunflower seeds in food processor and process until they are in small pieces (this step  can be done by hand if needed).

Next combine all dry ingredients in medium mixing bowl. Whisk together until mixture is uniform. Then add oil and warm water. Using a spatula, mix together until all liquid has been absorbed by dry ingredients. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and leave on counter for about 1 hour (this helps to ensure that all of the water gets absorbed by the chia seeds and ground flax).

After your cracker dough has set for an hour, preheat over to 300 degrees F. While oven is preheating, line a standard cookie sheet (13″x18″) with a silicone mat or parchment paper. Place cracker dough in the center, and using a spatula gently smooth out dough until it is an even sheet. You can also cover the top of the dough with another silicone mat/parchment paper, and use a rolling pin to roll the dough out.

Once oven has come up to temperature, place your tray on the middle rack of the oven to bake. After 15 mins, pull out the tray and (using a knife or pizza cutter) gently score your crackers into the shape you want them to be. (For this recipe, the crackers were scored evenly into thirds the long way, and about 1 1/2 inches apart the short way to create rectangles). Place your cracker tray back into the oven and cook for approximately 35-40 more minutes (rotating half way through cooking time) until cracker feel hard in the center. Allow them to cool completely before breaking them apart.